Samsung has officially confirmed its plans to launch the Galaxy S4 to the United States in November. The mid-range handset will be available at Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and US Cellular. That said, there’s no information about pricing so far. However, just like the Galaxy S3 Mini, it’s safe to assume that the S4 Mini will be offered as a less expensive alternative to the original flagship, from which the S4 Mini gets its name.
The Galaxy S4 Mini is a mid-range handset that aims to deliver a Galaxy S4-like user experience, in a compact form factor and distinctively lower-end specs. Talking about specs, the Galaxy S4 Mini gets powered by a 1.7GHz dual-core processor paired with 1.5GB of RAM and a 1900mAh battery. Upfront, there’s a 4.3-inch qHD (540X960p) resolution display.
“Samsung continues to provide a wide range of products to fit consumers’ needs,” said Gregory Lee, president of Samsung Mobile. “The Galaxy S 4 mini continues that commitment by bringing the paramount features of our flagship Galaxy S 4 smartphone to a smaller, more compact form factor.”
The Galaxy S4 mini also comes with several TouchWiz features found in its bigger counterpart, such as Easy Mode, KNOX, Sound&Shot, Panorama Shot, and Story Album photo features, as well its new S Health and S Translator apps. The Galaxy S4 Mini comes in White Frost and Black Mist color variants.